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Medicine Group Research Article Article ID: igmin146

Lifestyle and Well-being among Portuguese Firefighters

Emergency Medicine TraumaRehabilitation DOI10.61927/igmin146 Affiliation


    1CicPsi, Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon, Portugal

    2National Fire Service School, Portugal

    3National Institute of Medical Emergency, Portuga

    4Department of Epidemiology, National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Portugal

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Background: Firefighters are subject to a variety of stressors, hence the importance of equipping them with resources that contribute to the management of these stressors. 
Aims: Considering that a healthy lifestyle is one of these resources, this study aimed to characterize the lifestyle of a Portuguese firefighters sample, rate their general lifestyle level, and analyze its association with their subjective well-being (i.e., flourishing). 
Methods: A sample of 860 firefighters responded to an adapted version of the FANTASTIC. 
Results: The results showed that most (72.8%) had a good lifestyle. However, regarding each habit, a significant percentage had bad habits: sometimes consuming high-calorie foods (81.2%); sometimes having difficulties sleeping (50.9%); drinking more than 4 - 5 alcoholic drinks on the same occasion (43.9%); and exceeding their ideal weight by more than 8 kg (29.7%). However, a marked percentage also had healthy habits: having people to talk to (71%) and giving and receiving affection (63.5%); exercising at least once a week (81.5%); not smoking (63.9%); almost always eating healthily (26.7%); sometimes sleeping well (50.2%); and managing stress (56.7%). As expected, the assumption that firefighters’ lifestyle is related to their flourishing was supported. 
Conclusion: A healthy lifestyle is an important resource to ensure the firefighters’ flourishing and should be a part of the day-to-day life of these professionals.


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