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Medicine Group Research Article Article ID: igmin236

Use of Augmented Reality as a Radiation-free Alternative in Pain Management Spinal Surgeries

Pain and Relief DOI10.61927/igmin236 Affiliation


    1Center for Memory and Recording Research (CMRR), University of California, San Diego, USA

    2School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

    3Department of Anesthesiology, Center for Pain Medicine, University of California, San Diego, USA

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Recent advancements in computer-assisted surgical navigation have enhanced imaging precision while reducing fluoroscopy reliance. However, integrating these systems into outpatient interventional pain practices remains costly. This paper investigates a cost-effective Augmented Reality (AR) navigation system tailored for image-guided spinal pain procedures. We verify the feasibility of AR in spinal surgery and the potential of AR to replace fluoroscopy.



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    2. Stahl CM, Cormier J, et al. Radiation risk to the fluoroscopy operator and staff. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2016;207(4):737-744. PMID: 28829623.
    3. Yang Z, Xu L, et al. Advances and challenges in microdisplays and imaging optics for virtual reality and mixed reality. Device. 2024;2(6):100139.
    4. Molina CA, Theodore N, Ahmed AK, Westbroek EM, Mirovsky Y, Harel R, Orru' E, Khan M, Witham T, Sciubba DM. Augmented reality-assisted pedicle screw insertion: a cadaveric proof-of-concept study. J Neurosurg Spine. 2019 Mar 29;31(1):139-146. doi: 10.3171/2018.12.SPINE181142. PMID: 30925479.
    5. Li W, Zhou Y, et al. Penetration of ballistic gelatin by explosion-driven inert metal particles. Latin Am J Solids Struct. 2024;21(3). ISSN: 1679-7825.
    6. Alidoost F, Arefi H, Tombari F. 2D Image-to-3D Model: Knowledge-Based 3D Building Reconstruction (3DBR) Using Single Aerial Images and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Remote Sens. 2019;11(19).
    7. Zavala-Mondragon LA, de With PHN, van der Sommen F. Image Noise Reduction Based on a Fixed Wavelet Frame and CNNs Applied to CT. IEEE Trans Image Process. 2021;30:9386-9401. doi: 10.1109/TIP.2021.3125489. Epub 2021 Nov 17. PMID: 34757905.

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