Showing 10 of 350 Results
EditorTudor Barbu
Romanian Academy
Image and Video Processing and Analysis, Pattern Recognition and Machine / Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Biometrics, Computer Vision, Graph Theory, Numerical Analysis.
Dr. habil. Tudor Barbu is Senior Researcher I at the Institute of Computer Science of the Romanian Academy, member of its leading Scientific Council and coordinator of Image and Video Processing compartment. He has a PhD degree in Computer S...
EditorRuihang Ji
National University of Singapore
Robotics, Adaptive Control, Constrained Control, Cyber Security, Multi-agent Systems, etc.
Dr. Ruihang Ji is now a Research Manager at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) and Institute for Functional Intelligent Materials (I-FIM), National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore. Prior to joining NUS, he receive...
EditorChin-Shiuh Shieh
National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
Computer Networking, Wireless Communication, Information Security, Computational Intelligence, Embedded Systems, Medical Informatics.
Chin-Shiuh Shieh received the M.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from the National Taiwan University, Taiwan, in 1991, and the Ph.D. degree in Computer Science and Engineering from National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan in 2009. In Aug...
EditorQiao Hu
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Bionic robotic fish; Underwater vehicle; Underwater intelligent detection.
Qiao Hu received the Ph.D. degree from the School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 2006. He is currently a Professor with the School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. His ...
EditorJalel Euchi
University of Sfax
Operations Research, stochastic/distributed optimization, Environmental impacts of transport, Economic Transportation, Logistics, routing and scheduling, heuristics and metaheuristrics. Currently, I am interesting in varies approaches to deep and
I am currently a faculty member at the Department of Econ.Qua. Methods and Informatics, ISGIS, Sfax University, Tunisia. I received my Ph.D. In 2011 in computer science, in the field of optimization and Transportation problems from Sfax university...
EditorSergio Enrique Pinto Castillo
University of Panama
Control Systems, Fault Tolerant Control Systemas, Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering, Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Artificial Intelligence
Sergio Enrique Pinto Castillo He obtained the B.Eng. of Communications and Electronics Engineering Degree in the National Polytechnic Institute, in Mexico City, Mexico, 1992. He obtained his M.Sc. in Electronic Engineering from National Center of ...
EditorMikhailenko Ilya Mikhailovich
Agrophysical Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Technical cybernetics, control processes, control of centralized heat supply systems. management and control of agricultural technologies in precision farming, remote sensing of land in agriculture and precision farming, robotic technological agri
Mikhailenko Ilya Mikhailovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher, Head of the Laboratory of Information and Measurement Systems of the Agrophysical Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Peters...
EditorLiangyi Nie
Hubei Polytechnic University
Robotics, Parallel robots, Reconfigurable mechanisms
Nie Liangyi, male, born in 1990, doctoral degree, is now an associate professor of Hubei Polytechnic University and a part-time master's supervisor (07/2023) of China University of Geosciences(Wuhan). He graduated from China University of Geoscien...
EditorTian Wei Cheng Brian Anthony
Singapore General Hospital
Robotics, Artificial intelligence
1. MBBS with Surgery and Neuroscience Distinctions (2012)2. MRCS (Ireland) Part A (Singapore) (2013)3. MRCS (Ireland) Part B (Penang)(2013)...
EditorFanglong Yao
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Spatiotemporal data analysis and computer vision; Multimodal fusion and reasoning; Embodied intelligence and multi-agent learning
Fanglong Yao received the B.Sc. degree from Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, China, in 2017, and the Ph.D. degree from the Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, in 2022. He is currently a Post-Doc...
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