Showing 4 of 350 Results
EditorJames Yip
Weill Cornell Medicine
T cells, NK cells, CNS neoplasms, hematolymphoid neoplasms
Dr. James Yip is an internationally recognized pathologist with extensive expertise in neurological and hematological disorders. He obtained his Master’s degree focusing on transplant immunology at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. ...
EditorAny Axelerad
Ovidius University of Constanta
Neurology, PD, MS
Dr Axelerad Any is an internationally known Neurology Professor with research interest in Neurology and Associate Professor at the University of Constanta. She is the Chair in Neurology focus. From 2013-2018 she served as the Associate Professor C...
EditorGiuseppe Lanza
University of Catania
Cerebrovascular diseases; cognitive impairment neuropsychiatric disorders; sleep disorders; gluten-related disorders; transcranial magnetic stimulation; neuromodulation; neurosonology; neuroplasticity
Prof. Giuseppe Lanza, MD PhD, is Associate Professor at the University of Catania. He further trained at the Department of Neuroscience, Newcastle University (UK) as Clinical Research Fellow and in 2013 was selected for a ScientificFellowshi...
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- Assessing Bee (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Anthophila) Diversity and Floral Preference in Two Habitats in the Iberian Peninsula