Showing 10 of 350 Results
EditorAny Axelerad
Ovidius University of Constanta
Neurology, PD, MS
Dr Axelerad Any is an internationally known Neurology Professor with research interest in Neurology and Associate Professor at the University of Constanta. She is the Chair in Neurology focus. From 2013-2018 she served as the Associate Professor C...
EditorGiuseppe Lanza
University of Catania
Cerebrovascular diseases; cognitive impairment neuropsychiatric disorders; sleep disorders; gluten-related disorders; transcranial magnetic stimulation; neuromodulation; neurosonology; neuroplasticity
Prof. Giuseppe Lanza, MD PhD, is Associate Professor at the University of Catania. He further trained at the Department of Neuroscience, Newcastle University (UK) as Clinical Research Fellow and in 2013 was selected for a ScientificFellowshi...
EditorMIMOUN. Hadj
University of M'Hamed Bougara Boumerdes
PhD Supervising of Magister, Engineer and Masters dissertation has shown that students are increasing ly demotivated for a number of more or less subjective reasons subjective reasons: Blurred perception of the usefulness of the university educati...
EditorJian Qi
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
Fabrication of micro-/nanostructured functional inorganic materials with well-defined structures as well as their application in catalysis, energy and sensing field
He received his BS degree from Hebei Normal University in 2005. He received his PhD degree from Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) in 2010. After this, he went to National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST) in China for his postdocto...
EditorManuel Gausa Navarro
University of Genoa
Advanced Urbanism, Advanced Architecture, Resilient Landscapes, Theory & Advanced Knowledge, Innovative & Strategic Prospection
Manuel Gausa Navarro is Full Professor of Urban Design and Advanced Planning since 2017 at the Department of Architecture and Design, University of Genoa (ADD-UNIGE) where he was also Full Professor of Landscape Architecture / Architectural Design...
EditorLilit Zakoyan
Riga Technical University
Comparative Linguistics, Intercultural Communication, Oral and Written Translation, Academic English, English for Scientific Purposes, English for STEM, Gender Studies, Semantics, Linguoculturology, Lexicology, Speech Culture, Linguistics of Text,
I am Lilit Zakoyan. I was born on April 4, 1982 in Kamo, Armenia. I have dedicated most of my life to research and teaching. My academic journey has been dynamic and enriching, taking me to different countries and institutions, each off...
EditorPu Tian
Stockton University
Distributed machine learning, cybersecurity for cyber-physical system and Internet of Things, and STEM education on AI security
Pu Tian received the BS degree from Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang, China, in 2014, the MS degree in computer science from East Stroudsburg University, in 2018, and the Ph.D. in information technology in 2023. He is currently an assistant pr...
EditorJalel Euchi
University of Sfax
Operations Research, stochastic/distributed optimization, Environmental impacts of transport, Economic Transportation, Logistics, routing and scheduling, heuristics and metaheuristrics. Currently, I am interesting in varies approaches to deep and
I am currently a faculty member at the Department of Econ.Qua. Methods and Informatics, ISGIS, Sfax University, Tunisia. I received my Ph.D. In 2011 in computer science, in the field of optimization and Transportation problems from Sfax university...
EditorBaoming Wang
Dalian University of Technology
1. High performance cement-based composites; 2. Recycling of industrial solid wastes.
Baoming Wang, male, born in 1972, professor, PhD, PhD supervisor, director of the Building Materials Institute at Dalian University of Technology, and deputy director of the National Experimental Teaching Demonstrating Centre of Civil and Hydrauli...
EditorAnas Bilal
Hainan Normal University
AI, Computer vision, Image processing, medical imaging, Remote Sensing, and Pattern Recognition
Anas Bilal received a B.S. degree in telecommunication and networks from Iqra University, Pakistan, in 2013, an M.S. degree in electrical and electronic systems from the University of Lahore, Pakistan, in 2016, and a Ph.D. degree in Electronics sc...
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- Synergistic Assessment of Supplementation of Ascorbic Acid and Massularia acuminata Extracts on Serum Electrolyte and Lipid Profile Indices of Dyslipidemia in Adult Wistar Rats Exposed to Aluminum Chloride Toxicity
- Use of Augmented Reality as a Radiation-free Alternative in Pain Management Spinal Surgeries
- Enhancing Missing Values Imputation through Transformer-Based Predictive Modeling
- Contamination in Heat Exchangers: Types, Energy Effects and Prevention Methods