I am Dr, Hasnain Raza from Pakistan, I have completed my master’s degrees from Pakistan different universities. After completed my Pakistani degrees then I applied China for Ph.D. and got admission in Yangzhou university.
During my PH. D I have read all course and published some paper in international and national journals. Some articles are under process. After completed my Ph.D. I applied for postdoctoral in China another two university in China. Almost all my process is completed next month I will join that university.
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Work Details
Yangzhou University
College of Social Science
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Research Articles
- Influence of Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer on the Calorimetric and Physicomechanical Properties of Mortar
- Slip Resistance Evaluation of 10 Indoor Floor Surfaces
- Contribution to the Knowledge of Ground Beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Pakistan
- Enhancing Missing Values Imputation through Transformer-Based Predictive Modeling
- Solar Energy Resource Potentials of the City of Arkadag
- Balancing Act: Exploring the Interplay Between Human Judgment and Artificial Intelligence in Problem-solving, Creativity, and Decision-making