Research Interest
Automotive/Railway systems, Control of automotive actuators and systems, application of smart materials (MR fluid and Shape Memory) in automotive actuators.
Work Details
Kumoh National Institute of Technology
Department of Aeronautic, Mechanical and Electronic Convergency Engineering
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Research Articles
- Lifestyle and Well-being among Portuguese Firefighters
- Wishful Thinking or Valuable Forecasts? The Value of Policy Rate Predictions in Sweden
- Cyber Threat Analysis (CTA) in Current Conflicts
- Enhancing Material Property Predictions through Optimized KNN Imputation and Deep Neural Network Modeling
- Technical & Economic Feasibility Study of Proposed Pump Storage Power Plants at Kuda Oya, Mul Oya, Gurugal Oya, and Dambagasthalawa
- Efficacy of Different Concentrations of Insect Growth Regulators (IGRs) on Maize Stem Borer Infestation